Category archives: Blog

The Three P's

What is super cute, super loud, and totally fun? The three P's; that's who! I think I may have to sleep for a month to get my energy back, but it was[...]

Baker Mania

I had the pleasure of photographing the nicest people in the world on Saturday. Seriously, we had a great time, and it was all because they were just [...]

DeLuca Sneak Peek

I had the most fun with this beauty last night we hung out in happenin' downtown Tyrone and had a blast with all of it's hick town chic. I came back [...]

technical difficulties

As you may have noticed, the site was down for two days, but now we are back. As of Thursday afternoon, we've been having problems with our internet s[...]


ETA: All of the images have been loaded for the Karate in the Park session. Please remember to refer to the flyer you received on Saturday to order [...]

weighty idea

I have changed it up a bit so that I can put up bigger pictures. I hope you like it ;) Anyway, I bought this umbrella for a couple-shoot I hope to [...]


Well, I was hoping to have some great shots of the wedding and our trip, but instead I have this. We made it as far as Greenville, SC, and Will came [...]


We are headed out tomorrow for my cousin's wedding in Durham, NC. We have friends there, too, and Chapel Hill is just a cool place to spend a weekend.[...]


Sunday is my favorite day - the cumulative end to the week behind you and the promise of new things to come in the one in front of you. I always find[...]