Category archives: Blog

Sleepy Baby

Q took a bit to mellow out, but when he finally did he got pretty serious about it. We pulled out the trusty space heater I carry in my baby bag and [...]

Almost Three

This little one has made an appearance here before. His little sis was sick at our last session, so I went back to get a few more of her, not so sicky[...]

Brand New

I love photographing children, but there is just something about a brand new baby that I cannot resist. This mama did it right and had her new, littl[...]

Miss M

Is her dress not the coolest!? I wish they made it in my size. M was the best: fun and full of life. We hung out in the backyard as it has not reall[...]


I don't know if you remember this little one from here. She is growing up so fast.


I am deep in the middle of our Newborn/Baby special to try and fill out that part of my portfolio, and this 4 month old rolled right into the thick of[...]


Eeeee-gats! It started (NaBloPoMo), and I am behind. What happened to the first few days of November? I will attempt several post in the next few days[...]