Category archives: Blog

we are family

Beautiful kids + loving parents = easy and crazy quick photo shoot.  I had so many pics to go through, and we did not even need the whole two hour[...]

family in the making

There newest addition was born 2 days after my little one and oh so sweet, he has a big sis to help care for him too.  We hung out and did all sor[...]

the prince arrived

There little prince finally arrived after what seemed like the longest pregnancy ever, and he was worth the wait.  It took two sessions to get h[...]

lady and gent

I am WAY behind on blogging but am skipping ahead because these guys are up on my screen now.  They were really great to hang out with and even en[...]


Before we get back to regularly schedualed programming I wanted to pop up one more, this time of the two of my little men.  They already have a pr[...]


Finally able to sit and type though who knows how long that will last! Ewan our newest addition is 3 months old, I can hardly believe it my self b[...]

Getting Back

I will post later on why it has been so long since I have been here, you would think it was because of a new baby but no it is not. Till then a[...]


Yes, we finally had the new baby!  He is now 12 days old and already a pound heavier than we left the hospital. He was 9lb. 3oz. at delivery a[...]