Happy Friday

I was up in the city for a doctor appointment early this morning; and, because of scheduling difficulties, the little dude had to come with. We only made it through the appointment because my husband started talking about Fernbank, and it is one of Will’s favorite places. So guess where I spent the rest of the morning? We had a good time looking at the dinos, and then we dropped by the hubbie’s work and took him to lunch. On the way out the door, my phone rang, and I saw it was one of my favorite photogs: Mr. Jeremy Harwell. I always feel so special when he calls me. Anyway, we had a great chat, and I plan on seeing him very soon for some yummy lunch. I also know he reads this blog so “Heya Jeremy, see you soon!” So the day has been unexpectedly fun and full of love. I hope you all have a great, if not better, weekend!

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