
Can you believe me and my old ass went to a concert over the weekend. I have no idea how I got roped into it, but I am sure it went a little something like this.

Josh: Hey, Malin, I got us tickets to the G-Love show in September.

Me: Hmmmm, I guess. I mean I have time to warm up to the idea seeing as it is February.

Josh: It will be fun. We never go anywhere – especially without Will.

Me: Hmmmmmm, Okay.

So, G-Love has been around since I was in high school, eons ago. So I did not expect there to be 1000 teenagers, and us be the “old people”. Now, don’t get me wrong – I hang with the Senior set pretty often for their pictures and always have a good time, but this was downright depressing. It just solidified the fact that I will be 30 next year, hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Oh, I almost forgot a little Special Sauce for you to hear.

Of course, I did not take my camera to the show. So instead, here is my little muse, running like a cheetah.

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