Subject: FW: Sharing the Work of Literacy!
Rotary at Work for Literacy
Sharing the Work of Literacy
All clubs in all three districts
need to email a list of their literacy projects or plans ASAP to Zone Chair Bill MacDonald. The Literacy Chair is responsible to the Zone Chair, who is responsible to RI for reporting the  literacy activities in each district. Without your communication....this does not happen, and hard work goes unreported!

Each club, please email your Zone Literacy Chair, PDG Bill MacDonald, TODAY, at and copy your respective District Literacy Chair. Just email a list of what your club literacy activities include....that is all you need to do!

Thank you SO much!

New catalogue
for literacy projects:

Rotary Reads
is reviewed in the September issue of the
World-Wide Literacy Newsletter.
It is a "catalogue of major literacy projects that are currently known and that have been implemented in communities."

You may order this publication for $49.98 (including shipping) from:
Michael Maloney, Literacy Chair, Rotary Club of Belleville,
 P.O. Box 908, Belleville, ON K8N 5B6 Canada
Address questions to

 Important Links to RILRG
(Rotary International Literacy Resource Group)
Project Options

IRARI Partnership
This is an important collaboration between IRA (International Reading Association) and Rotary International.

World-Wide Literacy Newsletter
(December publication)
link takes time to open

Dictionary Project

Laws of Life Essay Contest

4-Way Test
(Linked to Andy and Elmer's Apple Dumpling Adventure)

The Rotary club of Greene and Putnam Counties has two literacy projects so far this year.
Susan Young read a book aloud to a second grade class of students at Gatewood Schools on September 8th to celebrate International Literacy Day.
During the first week in October, the Rotary Club disseminated Andy and Elmer's Apple Dumpling Adventure, a children's book written and illlustrated by Andrew J. Shoup, a Rotarian in Ohio.  The book is distributed world-wide and  highlights the tenants of Rotary's Four Way Test.

Of the things we think, do, and say:

 Is it the truth?

Is it fair to all concerned?

Will it build good will and better friendships?

Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Each school in Greene and Putnam Counties received Andy and Elmers Apple Dumpling Adventure for the teachers as well as activity books for the students.

Ferst Foundation
(Imagination Library in GA)
Rotary clubs throughout 6900, 6910, and 6920 are leading efforts toward developing literacy programs through the Ferst Foundation. A book in the hands of a young child makes such a difference!

The Dahlonega Sunrise Rotary Club recently provided the Lumpkin County Literacy Coalition, the local champion of the Ferst Foundation for Childhood Literacy Program, with a check for $1900. There are currently over 700 children registered in Lumpkin County and the number is growing.
ferst foundation 6910


Souns for Literacy
click on rotary login
Souns is a hands-on, informal literacy program for infants and toddlers (and adults) that builds letter-sound knowledge -- the most direct link to reading. It is the only instructional, hands-on, literacy project listed in
Rotary Reads.

Concentrated Language Encounter
(See the August World-Wide Literacy Newsletter for CLE)

Computer Assisted Literacy Solution
(See World-Wide Literacy Newsletters for articles)

Teach Your Child Math Well
Literacy includes a working
knowledge of math. This program is listed in the RILRG
Rotary Reads

2008 International Literacy Awareness Competition Winner

A major thrust for literacy in the Griffin area is the Adult Education Program at Griffin Technical College. This program has been supported for years by the aggressive support of the Griffin Daybreak Rotary Club in District 6900.  This year the work received international recognition. Congratulations to the Adult Education Program of Griffin Technical College and the Griffin-Spalding Literacy Commission (CLCP - Certified Literate Community Program) for winning the International Literacy Awareness Competition.

Griffin Daybreak / Griffin Tech
Pictured are representatives from Griffin Technical College and Rotarians.

"Winning the International Literacy Awareness Competition is an honor. I truly admire the students, staff, and faculty of our Adult Education Program and the members for their outstanding literacy accomplishments.  We make a great team." Terri Huddleston, Director, Griffin Spalding Literacy Commission (CLCP)

Terri Huddleston is an energetic and passionate member of the Rotary Club of Griffin Daybreak and is on the Literacy Committee in District 6900. What a great job Griffin Daybreak is doing to make dreams real.  President Raymond Ray and his club members have a great deal to be proud of.

The information for the state-wide literacy conference on February 21, 2009, at The Carter Center in Atlanta is being repeated below for those who have not yet read it or have not printed this off. Consider going online to your district's database and registering your club as a participant in this exciting literacy project - Rotary at Work for Literacy! Club support counts for your Governor's citation and toward the highest literacy awards offered clubs in Rotary International. 

Rotary at Work for Literacy (Register on your district's database!)

Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Carter Center in Atlanta

Rotary at Work for Literacy - District 6900's inaugural literacy conference of 2008 has become a state-wide, three-district conference in 2009. District 6900, District 6910, and District 6920 are joining together to make dreams real in the work of literacy in Georgia.

This event is a one-day gathering of literacy representatives from clubs. The venue is the beautiful Cyprus Room at The Carter Center in Atlanta. The agenda for the day will begin at 9 am and will continue until 4 pm. Coffee, juice, and pastries will be served in the morning and a delightful boxed lunch is the fare at noon, a great timesaver for those who choose to use their lunch hour to enjoy the museum. Guest speakers will be scheduled, and dignitaries from Rotary International will be invited. The facility will be available from 7 am for the set-up of exhibits and will stay open until 5 pm for the breakdown of exhibits.  Interact students will help register guests, facilitate the set-up of exhibits, and assist with other activities, as needed.

The primary purpose of Rotary at Work for Literacy is to highlight, cross fertilize, and inspire the work of literacy.  Each district is being asked to display a variety of literacy projects.  During Rotary at Work for Literacy, presentations will be made on an assortment of projects, and "roundtable" discussions will be offered.  This event will be a literacy buffet!

Rotary at Work for Literacy will be timely for three reasons:

First, Rotary's Literacy Month is March, and this February gathering of literacy people will arm each club with new ideas, opportunities, and tools that will positively affect the work of literacy in each district during Literacy Month.

Second, Rotary at Work for Literacy will help bring to conclusion the literacy work of the year in a way that benefits each club.  Each club is doing award winning literacy work.  Yet, too often clubs do not reap the full harvest of their efforts in Rotary because projects do not get recorded.  At this event, there will be a specific table for those who need help defining and recording their literacy activities.  Each club will have the opportunity to learn how to best record their literacy projects and how to enhance their literacy picture in a timely way.  Importantly, with literacy month approaching, critical literacy work can be spawned from the fertile ground of this event.

Third, the timing of Rotary at Work for Literacy is celebratory of the 104th birthday of Rotary International, February 23rd, 2009.  Sharing literacy work is crucial to ensuring progress in the greater goals of Rotary - nationally and internationally.  Good ideas travel great distances and make big differences.  The benefits of such an event will be far reaching and will positively affect literacy and the lives of children for years to come.

Remember that Rotary International President D. K. Lee has designated Making Dreams Real as his theme and reducing child mortality as his go
al. Mortality for a child has many faces - one of which is the painful melting away of dreams and potential. The functional ability to read and write is critical in this effort. Literacy is a primary focus for Rotary International and every district is being encouraged to sponsor a literacy conference. Additionally, our state's three District Governors have included Rotary at Work for Literacy in the options for their Governor's Citation.

All District 6900, 6910, and 6920 Rotary Clubs are counted on to participate in this event.  Participation requires only a payment of $100. This is one of the most important, yet least taxing projects (financially and time-wise) imaginable. It also helps with the Presidential, Governor, and Zone Citations. What a unique, dynamic, and fun-filled way to add a literacy project to your club's activities during this Rotary year.  Coming together, sharing our work, arms us best to make dreams real.

A T-shirt for Each Participant
The black shirt with white imprint is Authentic Pigment® Direct Dyed 100% cotton and is pre-shrunk. It is a magnificent shirt. These will be available when you sign in at the conference.

Breakfast Menu
For breakfast, there will be a selection of fresh baked breakfast breads including:  muffins, croissants, Danish pastries, bagels with sweet butter, jam and flavored cream cheeses, assorted juices, fresh brewed coffee, decaffeinated coffee, and specialty teas.

Boxed Lunches - a delightful choice from Proof of the Pudding Caterers.

Exhibit Details

Each exhibitor is asked to exhibit in a scrapbook format or create a visual on a three panel display board or a combination of both scrapbook and display board. The table surface on which the exhibit will rest is approximately 20 inches wide and 4 feet long, so surface space is limited.  Support materials may be exhibited to the extent that they fit within the prescribed space. There is not a curtain backdrop.  The tables are backed up to the walls.  Nothing may touch the walls, and nothing may be removed from the walls.  

To ensure the agenda and to invite quiet, engaged discussions between exhibitors and guests, audio visual components are being discouraged or at least kept to a minimum.  If you have a DVD that you care to show, it would be best to have copies made to freely distribute to interested clubs or contact me so that we can discuss the possibilities. There is no audio visual equipment available for exhibits.  There will be audio visual support available for presentations.

The facility will be open for the set up of exhibits from 7 am and will remain open until 5 pm for the breakdown of exhibits.

Jimmy Carter Library and Museum Tickets are $6 for participants of this event.  Parking is free.

Rotary at Work for Literacy Contact Information:

Brenda Erickson, Literacy Chair, District 6900
839 Hwy 314 / Fayetteville, GA  30214
770-335-2743 or

Shauna von Hanstein, Literacy Chair, District 6910
PO Box 1327 / Madison, GA 30650-1327
706-343-0177 or

Kenan Kern, District Governor, District 6920
110 Radick Drive / Savannah, GA  31406
912-660-4997 or  
Important Definitions

Participant - A club who supports this three-district literacy project ($100).

- The club representative attending Rotary at Work for Literacy
                  (included in the participant fee above).

Additional Guest
- Any guest other than the Attendee ($50 each).

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

District 6900 Sharing Literacy Project Information

Every club's participation in this literacy project is extremely important. The $100 you give to Rotary District 6900 confirms your club is a participant in this literacy project.  Understand attendance is not required for your club to be a participant  in this project.  However, attendance is encouraged, as this will be an exciting day of learning how best to make dreams real as we work toward a more literate world.  
______Enclosed is my club's Make Dreams Real check for $100 to
             Rotary District 6900.

Rotary Club: __________________________________________________ 

Email Address: ________________________________________________   

Telephone: ______________________ District_______________________ 

______I am planning to be the club's attendee.
Please submit this form with your club's $100 participation check made out to Rotary District 6900 as soon as possible, but not later than February 1st, 2009.  Mail to:

Cheryl Greenway, District Treasurer
Rotary Club of Roswell
935 Forest Street, Suite C
Roswell, GA  30075
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Additional Guests  (please duplicate this portion for each guest)

The following information is needed by February 1st  for each additional guest from your club. Additional guests are $50 each.

Additional Guest Information

Name: _______________________________________________________ 

Rotary Club Affiliation:  __________________________________________

Email Address: ________________________________________________  

Telephone: _______________________ District______________________ 
Please submit your additional guest information with a check for $50 each made out to Rotary District 6900 no later than February 1st, 2009.  There is a 150 person maximum capacity for this event so it is best to respond early.  Spaces will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis.  Mail additional guest information and fees to:  

Cheryl Greenway, District Treasurer
Rotary Club of Roswell
935 Forest Street, Suite C
Roswell, GA  30075

Safe Unsubscribe
Counterpane School | 839 Hwy 314 | Fayetteville | GA | 30214